
Dealing with Elementor icon Not Showing – What to Do?

Written by Abhilash SahooUpdated on November 5, 202313 min read
Dealing with Elementor icon Not Showing – What to Do?

If you have a popular blog, online store, or both, you'll need tools to make its interface appealing. Here come FontAwesome icons! Download them from the official website. FontAwesome lets you link to social media using vector icons and logos. 

Additionally, FontAwesome icons can be used optimally. Download the icons to your site or use CDN. You may get it with npm. Also included are CSS processing tools. FontAwesome icons are flexible and responsive. However, they may cause issues on your website. 

All difficulties are straightforward to fix, and troubleshooting takes a few clicks. This brief and simple lesson will teach you what FontAwesome and Elementor icons are, how to utilize them when designing your website, and how to fix Elementor icon Not Showing after updating.

Icon Box in Elementor

Elementor Icon Not Showing

Explore in-depth: How to Use the Icon Box Widget on Elementor Page Builder Plugin - YouTube

The icon Box is one of the helpful gadgets in Elementor, a most loved device for the vast majority of WordPress clients. It conveniently joins an icon with a title and some text. Consider it a highlighter for your site - a method for bringing up something uniquely significant.

This is how you can manage the icon Box:

  • Pick Your icon: Whether you like the ones from Text Style Wonderful, Material Plan, or you have a remarkable icon, the decision is yours.
  • Make It Yours: Need the icon a piece greater? An alternate tone? Forget about it. You can change its size, change its tint, and play around with what it looks like. Besides, you get to compose your title and depiction.
  • Drag, Drop, and Done: You needn't bother with it to be well-informed to utilize it. Simply drag the icon Box gadget to where you need it on your page or post, and you're all set. 

Checklist to solve Trouble with Icons in Elementor

Update the Elementor first: As you go with the updates in phone apps, the software needs a refresh. Ensure your Elementor is also updated.

Look at the icon Library: Elementor utilizes an assortment of custom icons from the Textual style Magnificent icons here. To check if it's on:

  • Go to Elementor.
  • Go to Settings, then, at that point, Advanced.
  • Search for the Font excellent choice and guarantee it's checked.

Might it, at some point, be Another plugin or Subject? At times, various devices don't play pleasantly together.

  • Have a go at switching off other icons briefly.
  • Consider changing to an essential WordPress theme.
  • Check whether the icons return.

Cache a Clean-Up: Think of cache as the browser’s short-term memory. Clearing it can give solutions to a lot of minor issues.

  • Clear your internet browser's recalled information.
  • Likewise, give Elementor's memory (its cache) a reset.

Is Your Program Getting Along?: Not all programs are something similar.

Attempt another (like if you're on Chrome, test on Firefox) to check whether the icons return.

Is the CDN Keeping icons Prisoner?: If you're utilizing a Content Delivery Network (CDN) for your site, once in a while, it can block icons.

It very well may merit talking with your CDN supplier about it.

Fix Elementor Icon Not Showing

It very well may be confounding when Elementor custom icons choose to play Find the Stowaway on your site. Yet, fortunately, getting them back is usually direct. Most frequently, the issues are reduced to one of these two reasons:

  1. Adjustments to the Elementor plugin: Any new changes, updates, or customizations could prompt icons waiting to be shown accurately. This could be because of struggles or incongruent settings.
  2. Icons Missing from the Library: On certain events, the library icons could have been eliminated or are not being stacked, making them disappear from your formats.

Now that we've recognized the likely offenders, we should stroll through the answers to return your icons to the spotlight.

Swaps in the Elementor Plugin

One may have just updated the Elementor plugin, or you have installed it and found that some Fonts are Awesome icons aren’t displaying. Do not worry at the same time. Below is what you can do:

  • Navigate to your WordPress dashboard.
  • Find and Choose “Elementor” from the sidebar and then click “Settings.”
  • Click on the “Advanced” tab.
  • See for the “Load Font Awesome 4 Support” option. Enable and activate it.

Icons are not seen from the Library.

It happens that the icons disappear from the Elementor icons library, especially when in templates that use “Nucleo Mini” icons. Below are the ways you can check and resolve this:

  • Visit the page that contains your icons should appear.
  • Select the “Edit with Elementor” button to launch the Elementor editor.
  • On the same page, open the media library. Now, you will see if the icon you’re looking for is in the library.
  • If the desired icon is missing, you should update your Kava Extra plugin to the latest version to resolve the problems.

Font Awesome Plugin Alternative

If the solutions mentioned above didn’t restore your icons, the other method you can try – “installing the Font Awesome plugin directly”:

  1. Inside your WordPress admin panel, go to Plugins > Add New > Upload Plugin.
  2. Then, you’ll have an option to upload the Font Awesome Plugin that you’ve downloaded to your computer.
  3. Now Click on the “Install Now” button.
  4. After it is installed, just click the “Activate Plugin” button.
  5. Wow! The Font Awesome plugin is now activated on your site, and the icons should be back in action mode.

Try to back up your site before making any significant changes or updates. Because if anything unexpected happens, you’ll have a safe path to fall back on.

If you're encountering issues with Font Awesome icons not showing as expected, we're here to assist you with settling the issue.

The justification behind this issue is that a portion of The In addition to Addons for Elementor gadgets can utilize both Textual style excellent four and Textual style awesome five icons. If some icons are not showing as expected, it's most probable since they're utilizing Textual style excellent four icons.

Addressing the Elementor Custom icons issue by constraining the stacking of the Textual style

Sometimes, the issue is that the textual style isn't stacking toward the front. All that turns out great in the proofreader. However, the icons don't appear toward the front.

This will occur assuming you use custom CSS to show your custom icons. Then, at that point, nothing tells Elementor to enqueue the textual style for download, so it's absent on the page. You should drive Elementor to download the text style. There are two methods for doing this: the immediate strategy and the circuitous technique.

Enqueuing the Font Icon with the direct method

One has to  link the CSS file and load it by adding this kind of HTML in the <head> of your page:

  • You must replace the icon set name with your actual font icon name. 
  • To find the exact path you need to enter, visit your /wp-content/uploads/elementor/custom-icons/ folder by FTP or through your cPanel File Manager.
  • Now make use of the Elementor Custom Code feature to add this code to your <head>

As a website specialist, realizing CSS can be a unique advantage for your vocation. Here are a few justifications for why:

  • Further developed plan capacities: With a solid comprehension of CSS, you can make outwardly staggering and drawing-in plans that stand apart from the opposition. You can utilize CSS to make novel designs, add activities, and modify the presence of your sites to match your clients' image characters.
  • Expanded effectiveness: With CSS, you can smooth out your plan interaction and lessen the time and exertion you expect to make a site. You can utilize CSS to make reusable styles and formats, which can be applied to different pages and components, saving you time and exertion.
  • Expanded request: In the present computerized world, the interest in website specialists with CSS abilities is high. Bosses are searching for creators who can connect with responsive plans that take care of the requirements of their clients. By dominating CSS, you can build your possibilities, find the most amazing job you could ever ask for, and stand apart from the opposition.

With the CSS Course for Elementor clients, you will step up your range of abilities and proposition more noteworthy worth to your clients, as well as save time investigating CSS issues.


1. Detect Issues

Textual style Magnificent icons are famous, and it is normal for different subjects and plugins to stack Textual style Amazing. So, we made a method for helping you find and keep those clashing renditions from influencing your icons: The Contention Location Scanner.

The authority Text style Marvelous module is, by all accounts, set up accurately. However, if your icons aren't stacking, and you don't know why, head to the Investigate tab. The Investigate region of the module has two sections: 

2. Recognize Clashes with Different Adaptations of Text Style Magnificent

The Recognize Clashes with Different Renditions of Text style Magnificent area allows you to empower the contention scanner instrument, which then, at that point, searches for variants of Text style Amazing stacking on your site. When you click the button to empower the scanner, a blue scanner box will show up in the lower right corner of your program window. It will run in the corner (however, simply be apparent to administrators) while you visit any page or region of your site experiencing difficulty stacking icons accurately. As you peruse, it will sweep and inform you whether it finds different variants of Text Style Amazing on the pages you visit and save them to the lower part of the Investigate tab. Whenever you're finished, you can see the Forms of Text style Amazing Dynamic on Your Site segment results.

3. Forms of Text Style Marvelous Dynamic on Your Site

The upper region of the Forms of Text style Marvelous Dynamic on Your Site area shows any enrolled topics or plugins utilizing Textual style Amazing. These have been picked to show you what settings they like, and you can change your module settings to adjust. 

  • If you have various plugins with various necessities, you can conclude which is more essential to line up with. The lower region records some other variants of Text Style Great that might be stacked on your site — these are the outcomes from the contention scanner. 
  • Assuming the scanner finds a possible clash, it adds it here, and you can decide to hinder it from stacking that other rendition of Text style Magnificent. Since we can't see who or what is stacking those different variants, we gave a little data that might be useful to you to sort out the kind of asset and the URL that is stacking Text style Marvelous. 
  • The outcomes will stay there until you clear it, regardless of whether you eliminate the module or topic that produced it. 
  • Assuming you think you've eliminated a module or subject that was making a contention, you can clear that outcome and check whether it springs up once more. Or on the other hand, you can clear them all and begin new whenever. Make sure to save after you clear or block a thing.


If nothing from the mentioned arrangements works, you could have to contact Elementor's help for a more unambiguous direction. They can assist you with investigating the issue and answering.

Make sure to back up your site before rolling out any significant improvements, and consistently make changes in an organizing climate if conceivable. This will assist you with staying away from any potentially harmful results while investigating.

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Abhilash Sahoo

Abhilash Sahoo

Abhilash Sahoo, with over 14 years of experience, is a Certified Full Stack Developer and Application Development Expert. As the Founder & CEO of Infyways Solutions, he leads a team specializing in end-to-end web and application development solutions. Under his guidance, Infyways has become a trusted name in delivering scalable, innovative, and custom-tailored applications that meet the unique needs of businesses across industries