Free Online String Case Converter
Transform text between different cases instantly with our versatile case converter tool.
String Case Converter
Quick Examples
Case Type Details
All capital letters
All small letters
First letter of each word
First letter of each sentence
Camel-style naming
Pascal-style naming
Snake-style naming
Kebab-style naming
Alternating case
Our String Case Converter tool offers multiple text transformation options with an easy-to-use interface.
Multiple Case Options
Convert text to uppercase, lowercase, title case, camel case, pascal case, snake case, and more.
One-Click Copy
Copy the converted text instantly with a single click for easy use in your projects.
Download Results
Download your converted text as a .txt file for offline use or backup.
Easy Sharing
Share your converted text easily by copying and pasting into any application.
Reset Function
Clear both input and output fields instantly with the reset button.
Conversion History
Keep track of your recent conversions with the built-in history feature.
How to Use the String Case Converter
Enter or paste the text you want to convert in the input field.
Click on any of the case conversion buttons (e.g., UPPERCASE, camelCase, snake_case) to transform your text.
Copy the converted text using the 'Copy' button or download it as a text file.